About Past Imperfect
"My most creative role to date"
I started Past Imperfect 6 years ago after discovering chalk paint in America and when I retired from landscape gardening. The business has gone from strength to strength and I have never been busier. I buy furniture weekly from several different sources and usually have 3 or 4 pieces in stock at all times.
About Me
Ever since I was a small child I have been artistic and over the years my creativity has taken many forms. After studying at art college, I began my career painting landscapes and botanic studies, but I have also designed and made clothes, painted miniatures for dolls houses and painted way too many pet portraits!
Along the way I have also painted some murals and with my husband, spent many years designing and building gardens but working with furniture is probably my most creative role to date, "Past Imperfect" has given me the chance to be creative on my own terms....what a joy!
I call it "Furniture Artistry". I take pieces of ordinary furniture and turn them into something truly desirable. Sometimes I know immediately what a piece needs to become and other pieces have to wait until inspiration strikes, but they all change for the better.

This is a new website, it's early days. If you experience any problems it would be very helpful if you'd email the webmaster at mxfoyster@yahoo.co.uk. Thank you.